What is a Letter of Protection?

A letter of protection (LOP) is an arrangement made between your attorney and a medical provider. This arrangement between the two parties allows the client to receive medical care without paying out of pocket.

The medical care professional agrees to treat the client as usual and understands the treatment will be compensated for if the client’s case settles.


What is the Eggshell Skull Rule?

This rule is sometimes referred to as the “eggshell rule” or the “thin skull rule.” These are civil law principles that cover a victim who sustains an injury in an accident and has a preexisting condition or injury. Through this rule, they are still entitled to receive full compensation for the damages made.


Will My Personal Injury Claim Go to Trial?

Maybe. More than likely, your personal injury claim will not go to trial. The majority of cases will settle before a trial is needed. However, personal injury cases tend to settle way under their true value.

This is why we recommend hiring an experienced personal injury attorney so they can negotiate a settlement for the highest value. There is a huge misconception that all lawsuits must go to trial and be presented in a courtroom, but that is not true.

Our law firm wants to give you a better chance of reaching full compensation for your personal injury claim.


Is There a Difference Between Accidents and Crashes?

When referring to an accident, it usually means it was an unintentional collision. Some people may believe that using the term “accident” means there is no one at fault, which can be misleading in a lawsuit. The choice of words is significant in a lawsuit when describing the details of the incident.

Car accidents, crashes, wrecks, and collisions all refer to the same thing but can have different meanings in lawsuits. Crash, wreck, or collision give a more straightforward meaning of what happened, whereas the term “accident” tends to indicate that it was unavoidable.


Do I Have a Case if I Was Involved in a Hit & Run Accident?

We understand how stressful car accidents can be, especially when it involves a hit & run. Because the person at fault has decided not to take responsibility, you will need to get as much information as possible. This can include the color, make, and model of the car and the license plate number.

It will be best for your case if there is a police report on file to assist you in identifying the driver. Possible witnesses of the accident will also help identify the driver. Having these details will make it easier to file an insurance claim on your own insurance, but it will make things much harder if none of these are obtainable.

We recommend checking with your auto insurance company to verify that you have uninsured motorist coverage or underinsured motorist coverage. In such a case, you may be able to recover from your injuries even if you cannot identify the other driver.


What is Negligence?

Many personal injury claims require that the injuries involved were caused due to negligence on behalf of the defendant. This is very crucial to have a valid claim against the defendant. However, what exactly is negligence?

Negligence is commonly defined as a failure to act as a reasonably prudent person would in the same or similar circumstance. In other words, negligence is when an individual is not careful and therefore harms someone else because of their carelessness.

If you are a victim of someone else’s negligence, you should not have to pay for their mistakes.


Is There a Difference Between Bodily Injuries and Personal Injuries?

Yes. Bodily injuries are a subcategory of personal injuries. Personal injuries are defined as injuries to the body, mind, or emotions, whereas bodily injuries refer to a physical injury, illness, or disease caused by accident.

Knowing the differences between these two can help you obtain a financial recovery for the incident.


What is Pain and Suffering?

“Pain and suffering” is a type of compensation in personal injury claims which address non-economic damages such as emotional distress or trauma, embarrassment, scarring, permanent disabilities or injuries, long-term effects of broken bones, etc.

These damages take a traumatic toll on a person’s mental and emotional well-being. A jury should consider the various types of evidence regarding pain and suffering, such as testimony from a close friend or relative, medical reports, mental health reports, etc.


How do I Know When to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney?

Here are some questions to ask a personal injury lawyer that can help determine if you may need to hire an attorney for your personal injury claim:
Were there police officers present at the scene of the accident?
Was the other person at fault for the accident and caused your current injuries?
Did your injuries following the accident require medical attention and or hospitalization?
Were you told you would need surgery, outpatient treatment, or physical therapy by a doctor due to accident injuries?
Does your vehicle need any repairs due to damage because of the accident?
Are you currently experiencing any pain or trauma (emotional or physical) caused by accident?
Did your injuries from this accident result in you taking time off from work to heal and recovery?
Has your accident caused you to lose money, time, resources, physical ability, or emotional ability?
Have you tried to negotiate with insurance companies and felt that you were not given a fair settlement for the damage caused by your accident?
Have you felt overwhelmed or frustrated due to damages and losses you have had to take care of in the aftermath of your accident?
If any of these questions apply to you, please contact our office to discuss your case’s options!

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