IED injuries lawsuit lawyers houston

Roadside Bomb Injury Lawsuit Lawyers Houston

With our IED injuries lawsuit lawyers, Houston veterans and their families have advocates who fight on their behalf. Per the United States Anti-Terrorism Act, war veterans who served in Iraq or Afghanistan or their loved ones may be able to seek compensation related to injuries or deaths connected to an IED blast. 

It is important to understand that only specific casualties of war are eligible for compensation under this act. When they contact our IED injuries lawsuit lawyers, Houston veterans and their families can talk to our attorneys in a free case evaluation.

IED and EFP Roadside Bombs: Related Injuries and Deaths

IED stands for “improvised explosive device” while EFP stands for “explosively formed penetrators.” Both were weapons utilized during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In December 2013, the U.S. Army shared data showing how many members of the service suffered injuries, disabilities, and casualties caused by these lethal devices. 

  • 33,000+ injured 
  • Approximately 1,800 disabled
  • Over 3,100 deaths

Some of the factors that led to the catastrophic harm of these bombs was their ability to travel distances and penetrate thick armor. Moreover, it was easy for combatants to hide these devices.

What Are Examples of Catastrophic Injuries in IED Lawsuits?

As experienced IED injuries lawsuit lawyers Houstonians trust, we understand how diverse combat injuries can be. Some of the common physical and mental injuries related to these roadside bombs include the following. 

  • Blast injuries 
  • Spinal cord injuries 
  • Paralysis 
  • Suicide
  • Vision loss 
  • Hearing loss 
  • Loss of limb or amputation 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD 
  • Broken Bones 
  • Traumatic brain injuries or TBI

Per the Anti-Terrorism Act, combat veterans who sustained mental and/or physical impairments from IEDs, IRAMs, or other roadside bombs are eligible for compensation. This compensation comes from the Anti-Terrorism Litigation Fund. 

When it comes to IED Injuries lawsuits, you need an advocate on your side. As experienced personal injury and combat injury attorneys, the team at The Cobos Law Firm has the strategic mindset required to pursue a viable lawsuit. Lawyers Houstonians can trust, our team fights for veterans, service members, civilian contractors, and their families to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.

What Is the Anti-Terrorism Act?

Through the Ant-Terrorism Act, certain veterans, civilian contractors, and their families have the right to submit an IED injuries lawsuit. Lawyers with experience in this area also open this up to combat injuries and deaths. 

The United States passed the Anti-Terrorism Act in 1992. Comprehensive and broad-reaching, it provides U.S. nationals with the right to sue for injuries sustained “by reason of an act of international terrorism.”

Moreover, victims of terrorism have the right to sue people who aid and abet an act of terrorism by providing substantial assistance or conspiring with the person who committed the act of international state-sponsored terrorism. As experienced IED injuries lawsuit lawyers, Houston-based attorneys at The Cobos Law Firm understand how this can open lawsuits against several parties.

What to Know About the Anti-Terrorism Litigation Fund

Congress designed the Anti-Terrorism Litigation Fund to provide compensation to U.S. nationals who sustained an injury or disability due to an illicitly funded explosive device. Moreover, it allows families of service members killed by these devices to pursue compensation through an IED injuries lawsuit.

Am I Eligible to Pursue an IED Injuries Lawsuit? Lawyers Houston Families Trust

Per the Anti-Terrorism Act, U.S. nationals killed or injured by explosive devices during the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq may be eligible. Lawsuits are available to the following. 

  • Veterans with related mental impairments, such as PTSD
  • Veterans with related physical injuries, such as those listed above
  • Civilian contractors 
  • Survivors, family members, former spouses 
  • Dependent children

Money damages are potentially available to veterans or their families when an injury is sustained due to one of the following devices. 

  • Improvised Explosive Devices or IEDs 
  • Explosively Formed Penetrators or EFPs 
  • Improvised Rocket-Assisted Munitions or IRAMs

EFPs go by many names. Oftentimes, the terms are interchangeable with IEDs or other devices. When you are unsure what type of device led to your injuries or impairments, the legal team at The Cobos Law Firm investigates on your behalf. When we represent you in an IED injuries lawsuit, we act as your advocates. 

If the veteran is alive, they are the plaintiff in this combat injury lawsuit. However, if the event led to their death, the survivors act as the plaintiff in the lawsuit. These survivors may be children, spouses, family members. In some cases, this includes ex-spouses as well.

Do I Lose My VA Disability Claims When I File a Lawsuit?

No, injured veterans have rights outside of lawsuits. You will not lose your VA disability claims when you pursue an IED injuries lawsuit. Lawyers at The Cobos Law Firm understand the importance of these claims. Above all, it is important to know that these lawsuits and claims are entirely separate. 

Your eligibility for damages from the litigation fund and VA disabilities have no impact on each other. Because we do not file them together, they do not occur in the same court. Moreover, the two have different requirements for evidence.

How Much Does an IED Injuries Lawsuit Cost?

When working with our combat injury lawsuit lawyers, Houston residents should understand that we operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that you owe our personal injury attorneys nothing unless we win your case. 

In other words, our attorney fees are contingent upon you receiving compensation from the anti-terrorism litigation fund. When we meet at your free case evaluation, we will discuss how this works and enter an agreement on the contingency fees for your case. Typically, this fee is a percentage of the damages you win.

IED Injuries Lawsuit Lawyers Who Understand Service

At The Cobos Law Firm, our lead attorney Andrew Cobos understands the dangers of service because he is a veteran himself. Our legal team serves families, veterans, and injured individuals throughout the Greater Houston Area. 

Our combat injury attorneys understand the intricacies of an IED injuries lawsuit. Lawyers like ours know the importance of the details and help you set yourself up for success. We have a commitment to our clients to pursue the maximum level of benefits. That’s why so many people trust the team at The Cobos Law Firm. 

Whether you or your loved one served in the Iraq or Afghanistan war, deaths and injuries at the hands of terrorist organizations are actionable per the Anti-Terrorism Act. Let our team act as your advocates in your terrorism lawsuit.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. See for yourself how our strategic mindset can win your case.