What Does Personal Injury Insurance Cover?

Texas personal injury protection (PIP) is coverage that must be offered to you by your auto insurance company. This coverage can be rejected if you so wish. Personal Injury Protection provides extra coverage regarding medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

Personal Injury Protection is referred to as a “no-fault” coverage meaning the client should be covered regardless of whether they caused the accident or not. Contact our office with any questions regarding a car accident or personal injury protection claim!


Will My Case be Affected if I Was Not Wearing a Helmet During my Motorcycle Accident?

In the state of Texas, it is not mandatory to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle. You have the right to choose whether you wear a helmet. However, there are a few requirements when riding a motorcycle. You must have completed a motorcycle safety course and have valid insurance.

These requirements must have been met to be exempted from wearing a helmet. Although it is legal not to wear a helmet, we highly recommend wearing one if only for your safety. Moreover, it may affect your compensation if you are injured in an accident.

You could receive partial blame for the injuries, which could have been mitigated if you wore a helmet. If you have become injured from being in a motorcycle accident, please call our office to discuss your case!


Can Data from a Black Box be Useful in My 18-Wheeler Case?

A black box is also known as an Event Data Recorder (EDR), which can be used to give vital information regarding an accident that may have no current evidence.

The device records information regarding the truck driver’s actions such as speed, length of driving, braking, rate of acceleration, idle time, if a seatbelt was being used, if an airbag was deployed, etc.

If violations are discovered using the black box’s information, the truck driver could be proven liable. This information is much easier to obtain with an attorney representing your claim.


I Got Injured at Work, and My Employer Wants Me to Sign an Agreement; What Should I Do?

After an accident has occurred, companies will usually ask the injured worker to sign an agreement in exchange for a payment or other compensation. We highly recommend contacting an experienced personal injury attorney before signing an agreement or release form. Questions to ask a personal injury lawyer should be asked by the best like Andrew Cobos and Cobos Law Firm.

These agreements tend to result in smaller payments and smaller total compensation and are often drafted in favor of the company (or insurance company) at fault.


Can I File a Lawsuit if I Slipped and Fell at Work or a Public Business?

Yes! A “slip and fall” accident is referred to as a premises liability case. A business has a responsibility to fix hazards known to them and investigate and find unknown hazards.

You increase your case value significantly when hiring a determined and experienced attorney to represent your claim.


Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Attorney: Should I Call the Police When I Have Been in a Car Accident?

Yes. We highly recommend calling a police officer to the scene of an accident, no matter how minor or major the accident is. You have the right to call the police whether the other driver agrees or not.

When the police arrive, they will begin the crash report and take a statement from everyone involved. This includes any witnesses to the accident. It is important to be detailed in your answers and cooperative with the officers. Make sure all injuries or damages are made known to the officer.

After collecting all the statements, the officer will usually determine which driver is at fault. The officer will give you an accident report number and their contact information. It is imperative to keep this information saved as it will be crucial for your case.

Call us at 713-234-5860 to speak with someone about your car accident claim!


What is a Letter of Protection?

A letter of protection (LOP) is an arrangement made between your attorney and a medical provider. This arrangement between the two parties allows the client to receive medical care without paying out of pocket.

The medical care professional agrees to treat the client as usual and understands the treatment will be compensated for if the client’s case settles.


What is the Eggshell Skull Rule?

This rule is sometimes referred to as the “eggshell rule” or the “thin skull rule.” These are civil law principles that cover a victim who sustains an injury in an accident and has a preexisting condition or injury. Through this rule, they are still entitled to receive full compensation for the damages made.


Will My Personal Injury Claim Go to Trial?

Maybe. More than likely, your personal injury claim will not go to trial. The majority of cases will settle before a trial is needed. However, personal injury cases tend to settle way under their true value.

This is why we recommend hiring an experienced personal injury attorney so they can negotiate a settlement for the highest value. There is a huge misconception that all lawsuits must go to trial and be presented in a courtroom, but that is not true.

Our law firm wants to give you a better chance of reaching full compensation for your personal injury claim.


Is There a Difference Between Accidents and Crashes?

When referring to an accident, it usually means it was an unintentional collision. Some people may believe that using the term “accident” means there is no one at fault, which can be misleading in a lawsuit. The choice of words is significant in a lawsuit when describing the details of the incident.

Car accidents, crashes, wrecks, and collisions all refer to the same thing but can have different meanings in lawsuits. Crash, wreck, or collision give a more straightforward meaning of what happened, whereas the term “accident” tends to indicate that it was unavoidable.

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